Spring into Change!

 In Blog

Spring is a season for change. Just like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, summer is often too hot, and winter too cold – but Spring is just right!  Spring is energizing. It makes us want to dust, and clean. To throw open windows to a fresh, cleansing breeze. We organize that garage, get rid of that clutter, and clear out that drawer. I think Spring is also the time to grab a pen and paper and do some inner Spring cleaning.  Are there patterns of thinking that we need to challenge? Are there habits that are holding us back? Are there goals we want to reach? Mountains we still want to climb?  Spring may also be the season when you decide you might need another perspective, or a little push. It could just be the right time for you to sign up for counselling. Often just booking that first appointment gets things heading in the right direction. Time to spring forward and get moving!

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